The development of a progressive and successful exercise program should include the following principles: If I was to work with a Ice Hockey player to create an… Read more “Prinicples of exercise training”
What’s New
Energy Pathways of the Body
Energy Pathways and Athletics ATP/CP pathway which is considered the “explosive” energy pathway. ATP/CP pathway provides energy rapidly in a short period of time. The ATP/CP energy… Read more “Energy Pathways of the Body”
Stretch Shortening Cycle
Stretch Shortening Cycle Essentially this subject is very important when it comes to training power for explosive sports. The stretch shortening cycle is an eccentric loaded stretch… Read more “Stretch Shortening Cycle”
Proximal stability and Distal mobility
Proximal stability and distal mobility is a principle that’s often used in corrective exercise. It means that training your core to be more stable can affect your… Read more “Proximal stability and Distal mobility”
Hip Mobility
The muscles that perform hip abduction and hip external rotation are: Abduction: Gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, sartorius, tensor fascia latae and piriformis. External Rotation: Gluteus… Read more “Hip Mobility”
BCAA’s Effect on Performance
What are Branch Chain amino acids? Leucine, Valine and Isoleucine. BCAA’s can produce an anabolic response in humans driven by a stimulation of muscle protein synthesis. A… Read more “BCAA’s Effect on Performance”
The belief of aerobic training and burning fat
I believe aerobic training does burn fat and it does not burn fat, if the aerobic training is not intense enough it wont. Just plain old walking… Read more “The belief of aerobic training and burning fat”
Understanding Skate Blade Hollows
Lets face it , most people don’t understand the blade hollow interaction with the ice and what it means on performance. Once the blade hits the ice… Read more “Understanding Skate Blade Hollows”
Profiling 101
Through ANY sharpening and regular skating your profile WILL change over time. In addition, any single sharpening has the potential to change your profile drastically if not… Read more “Profiling 101”
Hockey Tips
Practice , practice and more practice , a player develops 10 times quicker in one practice then in one game Get your skates profiled and sharpened often ,… Read more “Hockey Tips”